Daily Scriptures with Sermon

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The Most Excellent

….O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens.
Psalm 8:1

Today we are going to be talking about the great hand work of God. Do you know how much a person will be popular if the person has a good and quality hand work? God’s excellent name is also known because if of His Workmanship.

Look at the heaven. See majesty of God’s reflected in the planets and the stars. Look at the sea and the wonders of the animal world-amazing and wonderful creations from God’s hand that live together in awe inspiring balance and beauty. And kook at man-crowned with glory and honor, made a little lower than the angels, and given authority over all creations.”

Let us praise His Excellent name. The One who spoke the heavens into being by the word of his power, the One who keeps the stars and the planets spinning on their unseen course. Let us magnify Him, the One who gives us the mysteries of the oceans, the rugged beauty of the mountains, and the intricate marvels of plant and animal life. Let us exalt Him, the One who made us and crowed us with glory and honor. 

Bible In One Year
Psalms 56; Psalms 120;
Psalms 140-142

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Father At Work

And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.
Matthew 8:26

No one is saved from the storms of life, even we Christians. The great and transforming power of God’s grace does not guarantee that we will be free from difficulties and trials but if we believe in God, we will surely overcome them. God’s abiding presence and mighty power will hold us secured when we face any trouble with faith that “Father Is at Work”

On a certain day, Jesus went into a ship with his disciples and he said unto them, Let us go over to the other side of the lake. And they launched forth. But as they sailed Jesus fell asleep, and there came down a storm of wind on the lake; and they were filled with water, and were in jeopardy. And they came to him, and awoke him, saying, Master, master, we perish. Then he arose, and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water: and they ceased, and there was a calm.
And he said unto them, where is your faith? (Luke 8:22-25). Our Father is always at word for us all we need is faith to command any difficulties. Here is “The Work of Faith” 

Although the squalls of life strike us, we are assured of our Father’s presence. He controls our lives and upholds us with His right hand. We may not dodge the storm, and the winds may blow, but the Master of winds and wave is on board. And if we trust Him, He will either calm the wave or quiet our hearts.

Bible In One Year
Psalms 7; Psalms 27;
Psalms 31; Psalms 34; Psalms 52

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Determine To Succeed

There are many reasons to quit; physical, financial, or emotional setbacks can bring you down. They constitute the major reason why people quit their struggle for success. The latest research in science of achievement shows that as long as one does not give up, but presses harder, persisting in getting result, he will surely win. Perseverance is a fundamental factor in carrying out one's desire; lack of it is a fiasco.

One of the qualities of great men is their extraordinary amount of perseverance. The ability to hold on; fighting on with inflexible courage and inexhaustible patience; undismayed by failure and hoping for success; gives scope for faith until the work is consummated.

Many great ideas have been quietly buried because those who had them could not persevere. I want you to know that winners aren't necessary braver than others; they are just braver for a longer period of time. An impatient individual gives up whenever all his efforts seem to yield no fruit, but a persistent person will definitely end up in success.

Winners never quit and quitters never win. You should realize that the way to success is upward on the hilltop and therefore, climbing should be difficult and tasking. It is also natural that impediments or set-backs may be encountered in the course of this journey. However, they should not be seen as an obstacle to success but the requisite for success; not a flaw but a hallmark; not a deal weight on effort but fuel which feeds that effort and aids to achieve its purpose.

Strive, assiduously, with great determination. Summon up all your resolution and courage. In all circumstances never give up and keep climbing. Even when the go, seems difficult to attain, you must not give up. Never loss hope, though you may be tempted to, but keep it alive. You can make it if only you can convinced yourself and be determined.

He who is ready to fight with the spirit must wear the cap of the spirit. In this case, the cap you need is 'courage’ Never say never, take your courage in both hands.

Do not relent, always strive for success. Nothing good comes easy; it is a question of time. After all, Rome was not built in a day. No one shall be rewarded with a crow who has not fought courageously.

Real achievement is dependent upon sustained effort which in turn is the outcome of an unconquerable will to win. It does not require famous deeds but only unrelaxed effort; not giant strength but unshakable confidence; not genius but steady discipline. Every task marked with the same golden tenacity.

if you aspire to acquire the desire you admire and you fire and it back-fires, don't retire to aspire but re-fire to acquire the desire you admire.

Do not be despair and keep moving. Let me give you the peat admonition, as quoted by Prof. F.C. Ezeonu, "If you cannot fly, run; if you cannot run, walk; if you cannot walk, crawl. By all means keep moving." Do not relent even when you think that you have exhausted all your effort, try harder. It is important to note that, "Most people never realize how close they are to the door of success, when they give up for lack of determination."

Remember, the end justifies the means. People are evaluated by what they finish. Learn to be result oriented; results are everything. You have started the journey, finish what you started. If others before you would make it, why not you? Of course, you can. It may be difficult, but it's not as difficult as you think.

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Address Him As "Our Father"

And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father (KJV)
Luke 11:2

There is a way we address or talk to our parent, there is also a way we address our friends, and even our colleagues. We all know that there is a total difference in the way we address our parent, friend and colleagues. Defiantly the way we will address our God should be different too. There is a great need to pray to God, and He Have invites us to address Him as “Our Father”

When we become conscious of God’s greatness and glory in prayer, it will take us on new power and fervency. Job had complained bitterly about his misfortune and had made some self-righteous statements, finally met the Lord and cried out, “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You. Therefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes” (Job 42:5-6). Isaiah saw a vision of God and exclaimed, “Woe is me, for I am undone! (Isaiah 6:5). Ezekiel observed the glory of the Lord and declared, “So when I saw it, I fell on my face” (Ezek.1:28). The apostle John, after seeing a vision of the glorified Son of God, said, “I fell at His feet as dead” (Rev. 1:17)

To all these men, the vision of God’s greatness and glory brought an overwhelming sense of their weakness and depravity. Yet God invites us to address Him as “Our Father”

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Our Conformer Have Been Sent

And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; (KJV)
John 14:16

Jesus said he will send the Comforter to abide with us forever. First of all, let us ask ourselves as Christ followers. The Comforter that Jesus promised us, has it been sent? Who is the Comforter? Which work is this Comforter doing in the life of us Christian? And what is the purpose? These are the things we are going to consider together today.

The comforter that our Lord Jesus Christ is talking about is the “Holy Spirit” and it is been sent to us. Pentecost fulfilled that promise (Act. 2:1-4). And ever since that historic day, the Holy Spirit has been faithfully carrying on His ministry in the lives of all believers.

The Holy Spirit comforting activities in the life of we believers include: assuring us we are God’s children (Rom. 8:16), guiding us into truth (Jn. 16:13), helping us pray (Rom. 8:26), transforming us into Christ image (2 Cor. 3:18) and strengthening us (Eph. 3:16). And so on. Now are response is to learn all we can about Christ and by the Spirit put into action. The purpose of the Holy Spirit is always to glorify Christ, but never call attention to Himself.

We thank you Father, for giving us your Holy Spirit which is our Comforter. Help us not to grieve or quench Him. We face this day with confidence because of His blessed ministry in our lives. 

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Attitudes Are More Important Than Fact

How critical is your condition? Are you excited or bored with your work? Since the condition nor the work knows not, the answer is whatever you decide. That is true of every circumstance you face in life. How you see an event has almost as much impact as the event itself.

Serah Crowther told us that, "People never change; only their perspectives do." Abuja is the latest place in Nigeria and Lagos is where all the actions are, therefore, every body wants to be there. Focus where things are yet to happen not where it is happening. Look for where opportunity is going to be not where it has been. "Man is a being that finds meaning in whatever and wherever place he finds himself," said Martin Heidegger. You never can tell, you can make something out of nothing.

“Attitude are more importance than facts,” said Dr. Menninaer. This is because any fact facing you is not as important as your attitude towards that fact. Why do you want do this and what do you hope to give or get from it? Have a purpose that guides your attitudes and actions. Do not go into something because others are doing it; discover purpose for whatever you do in life.
Look for the best in each situation. Your reaction to the actions or attitudes of others can be for your benefit, even when their actions or attitudes are negative. Unfortunately, some people have killed the goose that lays the golden egg for them because they do not know how to approach people and issues.
Zia Ziglar stated that, "Your attitude determines your altitude, as you cannot go higher than you think you can." Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement," said Helen Keller. Norman V. Peale added that, "A sense of inferiority and inadequacy interferes with the attainment of your goal, but self-confidence leads to self-realization and successful achievement."

The different attitudes of people usually determine their fortune. "The situations which losers see as stumbling blocks are the same situations which winners see as the stepping stones to success. Situations which may be described as 'Grave yard of dead dreams' for losers are the 'Front porch of opportunities' for winners," (Anonymous). It all depends on your perspective.
Are you closing your business? That isn't the end of the world. You can start all over again. May be, you offered your best in school but it wasn't good enough to give you a better grade. Don't worry; you are there to be educated not for certificate. You will still have the opportunity to express what you are. Are you unemployed? It doesn't mean you will never get another job. Do not allow the problems or failures of the past to hurt your life, it will deprive you the ability to move ahead.

I disagree with the phrase which says, "He that is down needs fear no fall." If you have such attitude or intention, then, you will fall much greater to the eternal ruin of your effort. But we know that, "The downfall of a man is not the end of his life." Anyone who is alive in the world of the living has some hope; a living dog is better off than a dead lion.

Place your mind over matters. You may not have chosen your problem, but you can choose how you will react to it. At least, you can control your reactions even when you cannot control the problem. Avoid holding mental pictures of difficulties and failure, but lift your mind over them. People who face their problems with a positive mental attitude end up turning them into creative experiences.

Rise to the occasion; misfortunes, setbacks, difficulties, discouragement, disappointments, and other obstacles should be made your stepping stones to success. 

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Just The Way We Are!

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.(KJV)--Matthew 5:3

There is a story about a man who went for an interview for the post of a receptionist. And you know that if someone is going for an interview, the person must dress properly (Officially). But this man I am taking about does not know how to dress, so he went there just the way he can dress (Non Official dressing). He dressed anyhow, despite the fact that he is applying for the pot of a receptionist lol. When he got to the company, the Manager saw is dressing and said “Oh no, we can’t employ you the way you are.”

If we all look at that man’s story, we can see that he went to the company just the way he his. That is the same way God ask us to come to Him “Just the way we are” admitting that we are sinners who deserve nothing but judgment. This humbling, but it is the only way we can receive the forgiveness Christ paid for on the cross and be accepted and use by God.

The Scribes and Pharisees thought God was pleased with them because they were all scrupulous law keepers and also they were “Cleaned up.” So when they saw Jesus eating with people who had bad reputations, they complained. But Jesus said to them “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repent” (Luke 5:32). This was a rebuke of their self-righteous attitude. They needed to admit their sins in the present of the Lord. Then Jesus could receive them too.

If we need to be saved or to be restored to fellowship, we should repent and come to Jesus just the way we are! He will forgive our sin and make us righteous 

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Attitude Of Patience

My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him.(KJV)
Psalm 62:5

We are now in computer age, all things are done instantly. We use cars that cover more than 30 mile per hour, there is a lot of instantly meal and even we can telephone call anywhere in the world in less than minute. Because of all this, we have become used to instant result and that is the mean reason why it’s so hard for us to wait on our Lord. We always want instant answer from God and instant spiritual growth. But, God as the must superior knows the best time for is people.

I will like to use a man as an example; this man a want to talk about was in need of a car for business proposes. He have prayed and prayed to God but his prayers are not yet answered. He went to his pastor and his pastor told him to wait for God’s time instead finding it by all means (stealing or some). This man can’t wait. Within 3 days nobody knows where this man got a car from and he started using it. One day, on his way going to work he had an accident and he died. God did not give him the car earlier because of the accident.

To wait does not imply passive submission but an attitude of patience. Our heavenly Father “act for the one who wait for Him (Isaiah 64:4)

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Adversity Is a Great Teacher

Sometimes in life we are faced with storms. The world is not a bed of roses for one to think he can be out of wood all his life. Life has its ups and downs, its peak and valley. Though, it will be great if all our days on earth are on the up-and- up, and completely sunny. Unfortunately, they are not.

We are living in a mysterious world and anything beyond our control that happens in it is for a purpose. Your condition, sometimes, may be critical to question the fact unless you look beyond that situation. A man told me that life make no meaning to him anymore. This man, in an accident, lost his apprentice, his three children and his lovely wife, all in a single day.

Learn to endure crisis, troubles, hardships and difficulties. Let us take Job as an example. The scripture told us that he lost his wealth, his health and his children. But after this bad times, God blessed his later days more than the beginning. The Lord made him prosperous again and gave him twice as much he had before (Job 42 vs. 12).

I agree with Eli Hu, Job 36 vs. 15, that, “God teaches people with suffering and uses distress to open their eyes.” Human beings are like rubber-band which is most useful when stretched. Sorrow may sadden your face, but it eventually sharpens your understanding of issues. I want you to know that God can use the painful or negative experience you face in your life to teach you.

There is a need for us to have a holistic approach to life. No one can keep from difficulties or put off the moments of obstacles. Like bird suddenly caught in a trap, like fish caught in a net, we are trapped at some evil moment when we least expect it. That is a battle we cannot escape; we cannot cheat our way out.

Our optimism in life does not totally wipe out difficulties, set-backs and problems when they are designed to come. Nature will always take its own course and time. But it isn’t the end of the world; so don’t be discouraged when they come. Consider them as tough times, but agree with Robert H. Schuller that, “They will not last; they will come and go, and only tough people will last.” Remember, no condition is permanent. Every problem has a limited life span.

Learn to take the bull by the horns. Don’t hide from hard things of life and don’t ignore them. Meet them head on and work through them. “Only the taste of fire makes a fine steel,” said Abraham Lincoln.

Of course, “Every cloud has a silver lining.” Every adversity holds within it the seed of an undeveloped success. They are important sometime in our life because they mould us into the very shape of success we are to achieve and they also offer opportunities to excel.

Believe it or not, “You cannot be victorious in life without suffering because suffering is the golden key to victory.” Remember that there is no champion without a challenge, no crown without a cross and no testimony without a test.

He who cannot endure the bad will never see the good. If you will obtain the honey, you must endure the bees’ nasty sting. The more you endure the sting, the more honey you get. In other words: the greater the weeping, the greater the joy.

In brief, learn to adjust to bad times. Be careful not to underestimate any problem, for they are like pregnancy. Always evaluate the possible cause of your problem and read books that can offer solutions to it (Online or Offline). If necessary, meet people who know better than you and can be of help to such problems.
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